June 4, 2024

Webinar/AMA Recap May 31, 2024

Last month’s ask me anything (AMA) session presented a brilliant opportunity for us to share important updates from the DigiCorp Labs ecosystem. We covered everything from products and partnerships to...

Last month’s ask me anything (AMA) session presented a brilliant opportunity for us to share important updates from the DigiCorp Labs ecosystem. We covered everything from products and partnerships to challenges and community engagement, with some excellent questions fielded and answered too.

Couldn’t make it or keen to refresh your memory on what went down? You’re in the right place. Let’s take a look at the most important points discussed, the outlook they leave us with, and what it all means for you.

Product updates

First up, we dived straight into products – one of the most exciting areas in our business right now. Our three core product categories are:

  1. DGMV-ID/IAM: Our world-class security authentication solution, now integrated with OpenID for enterprise use.
  2. DGMV-Secure Meets: Our secure, modern video conference and collaboration solution.
  3. DGMV-Edge Box: The private mobile cloud designed to create business continuity by instantly restoring business-critical functions during or after a cyber incident. 

We see a bold new opportunity in integrating these three solutions to create a secure, location-agnostic platform for communication and application hosting – as well as offering them as standalone services that function independently.

“This creates a really neat solution that brings everything together – authentication and security around who is participating in and using services, plus a secure conference facility on a piece of infrastructure that can exist anywhere, integrate with existing networks and extend with 5G options.”

DGMV-Secure Meets is now primed and ready to go to market in the coming days. We even used this robust solution as a secure, participatory platform for our AMA itself –showcasing its suitability for interactive sessions. Joining our next session will also be a great opportunity to meet other participants and active community members. Don't miss out!

We are also working hard on our smart layer, which we hope to bring to market in the next few months. With the ability to create non-fungible data objects and fingerprints from enterprise data and store them in an immutable ledger, the smart layer has huge potential – especially for artificial intelligence and machine learning use cases.

Our DGMV token is set to be used as gas for the smart layer, with a subscription model in place for enterprises. This approach will allow us to create an all-important bridge between Web3 technology and traditional enterprise IT.

“We'll build an economy that actually benefits from enterprises implementing services that meet the high standards they’re used to, but are better in terms of security, intuitiveness and ease of use.”

Partnerships and challenges

In line with our vision of creating a joined up, cooperative ecosystem, we’ve been doubling down on relationship building across borders, and are pleased to announce a brand new partnership with Data Secure India. This collaboration will see us sell DGMV products in the high-potential Indian market, leveraging Data Secure’s privacy expertise to embolden our offer and reach more customers than ever.

“India is a very large, upcoming market, and Secure Data is a specialist on data security, giving consultancy advice to big Indian firms and counting local governments among its customers. It is a leader in data-related solutions, and we’re looking forward to making this a solid resale partnership.”

The LCX situation rumbles on, and we are still facing challenges as we undertake legal action here. While these ongoing difficulties have slowed our scaling efforts and hampered our ability to expand the DGMV ecosystem and token on new exchanges, challenges are a natural part of our route to innovation. We’re proud of the incredible progress our team has made despite these obstacles, and pleased to say that in terms of technology, products and partnerships, we're exactly where we wanted to be at this point in the year.

“The next phase for Web3 is to make really meaningful solutions that will benefit enterprises and consumers directly rather than giving the hype. That's something we’ve always said will happen, and with the right strategy in place, DGMV could be a project that delivers real productive value.”

Community engagement and outlook

The next six months are looking bright for our business. Investors can expect positive developments as products and services – including the smart layer – gain traction among core audience segments.

Our key initiatives for the year ahead range from securing more resale partners and productizing our smart layer to announcing new innovation-enabling partnerships. Watch this space.

We’re planning the next AMA session for the end of July to give you a progress update before the summer break.

The final word..

Overall, we are making steady product progress, as we intensify our focus on bringing enterprise-ready, decentralized solutions to market. Our smart layer is a major upcoming initiative with significant potential, and partnerships – such as the one with Data Secure – should continue to bolster our go-to-market efforts,

There will always be challenges, and despite these hindering our token and exchange listing, we are confident about the future and excited to see what we can achieve in the coming months. 

Now, all that’s left to say is a huge thank you for your continued support – your input is invaluable to us and we’re proud to have such an engagement community behind us on the journey. Have a brilliant two months, and we’ll see you again soon.

Article written by DigiCorp Labs